NMEA 2000 (standardized as IEC 61162-3), abbreviated NMEA2k or N2K, is a plug-and-play communications standard, which is used on boats and ships to connect together devices, displays and sensors. The speed of the NMEA 2000 bus is 250 kbit/s and it enables sensors and displays and any other NMEA 2000 compatible devices to “discuss” together. … Read More “NMEA 2000 PGN’s deciphered” »
Category: Sensors, cameras and IoT
Commercial marine equipment and products, Sensors, cameras and IoT, Boating software, Boating electronics and hardware
Sensors, cameras and IoT, Boating software, Boating electronics and hardware, Commercial marine equipment and products
Inspired by OSCAR Navigation collision avoidance system, I wanted to test how an off-the-shelf Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically deep neural network based object labeling system, would work on maritime collision avoidance application. AI would be responsible for the labeling of the objects and marking their location in the image. If it can be done with … Read More “Testing Artificial Intelligence (deep neural networks) for maritime collision avoidance” »