Commercial chartplotters are expensive, really expensive. Considering that you can get a 10″ tablet device with better touch screen, faster processor, better responsiveness and much smaller size with a 1/4 of the chart plotter cost, it seems like chartplotters are totally overpriced. I cartel, someone might suspect. That is what I also thought, but then … Read More “Designing a commercial marine chartplotter – not as easy as it may sound like” »
Tag: chart plotter
Computer displays and TVs are getting larger and wider. The widescreen trend is driven by the fact that movies are shot on a widescreen format and also because it is just a better user experience to watch for example sports on a widescreen. Chart plotter aspect ratios have followed the general trend of displays going … Read More “Why chart plotter screen aspect ratio is all wrong” »
The OpenCPN remote control is based on an off-the-shelf numpad keyboard. I have mapped OpenCPN functions that I feel are the most important to the keyboard and printed stickers with icons for each of the functions.
One of the great things about OpenCPN is the ability to modify (or hack) it to your liking. The problem is that there is really not much documentation on how to do it except the brief instructions on vector palette on OpenCPN manual. Below are instructions on how to change the outlook of oeSENC (S-57) … Read More “OpenCPN hacks: visual changes to oeSENC vector charts” »