oeSENC maps are great for OpenCPN. They include all the information and data from S-57 charts from the official body. However, they do not include any Points of Interest (PoI) information, such are guest harbors, pumpout stations and fuel. I had hard time finding a gpx file for the PoI’s, so I decided to create a gpx waypoint file. The information was acquired from several places and not all of it is up to date. You should use the information as reference only and always check them. This file includes the areas of Gulf of Finland, Saaristomeri, Åland, Gulf of Bothnia, Merenkurkku, Perämeri, also some Estonian harbors are included.
Finnish Guest harbors
The gpx-file can be found under Products and Downloads – Guest harbors in Finland. It is free of charge, but you’ll need to go through the checkout and “buy” it.

Pumpout stations
The gpx-file can be found under Products and Dowloads – pumpout (waste) stations in Finland. It is free of charge, but you’ll need to go through the checkout and “buy” it.

Fuel stations
The gpx-file can be found under Products and Dowloads – fuel stations (diesel and Benzin) in Finland. It is free of charge, but you’ll need to go through the checkout and “buy” it. This file does not contain all fuel stations, but may be useful nevertheless.